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How long will the next version be?

hey may i know how to get 2nd ending
also, discord link please

loved the game, especially the blonde one

Here you go. I believe you'll find an answer there.

Heya can I get the discord link?

Sure. :)

Hi, love the game so far. If posible I would like the discord link so I can get some tips for the second ending.

Sure, here you go. :)

Thank you

hi! I have some trouble with saves, like I don't know how to make saves on phone😔

Well, you approach a phone, then select a slot and save. :)

I cant see any button while playing, it's not that bad, cuz I can try to play on pc, but anyway something not work, bro :(

If I need to select slot in start menu.. well, only 2 buttons I can press: "play" n "settings".  And it strange too, cuz there many other buttons like "donate" "language", but they are not touchable

Oh, it's just for decoration. :)

I'm not quite understand the situation. I just tried to do that. I went to the first phone in the hall and tapped it on android, it pops save menu, I saved and loaded pretty much without any problem. Same as pc version.

I feel embarrassed to ask but is there an easy mode at all? Im having a hard time getting past certain stages due to my own failure and was wondering ifs there's a way to make the game easier?

What kind of troubles do you have? Can you describe it more precise?

Deleted 57 days ago

Nvm I figured it about but on a side note where is the electrical room?

In the storage, middle up.

OOOH! Thx so much! Really great game btw the art is 10/10. I wish there was more ballbusting games on here like yours!

I wish it too. :)

great game! im trying to join your discord but its saying link invalid?

Thanks! Here you are new link.

still saying link invalid or expired

Of course, cuz it's valid for seven days. :)

Can you put another one it still says invalid

I can do it unlimited times, but it is valid only for seven days.
You can use permanent one on Pixiv. :)

hi, i really like your game :) ive played all characters but i struggle to find the 2nd endings. could i get some help?

Thanks, glad you like it. I can give a tip. There are hidden notes starts from room 107. Follow them to reach the 2nd ending. But, it's lack of images for now. :)

Hey, love your game! Can I have a discord link for tips on finding the third fuse please

Hello, thanks!

Just got my first ending and men oh men I have been waiting and waiting months and months for this game. And you did not disappoint me in the slightest. In fact it was better then I ever could've expected. Keep up the great work!

Glad you liked it. :)
In the finale, all endings will be extended a bit, and some new ones will be added. :)

Can i get a link to discord im having trouble with 3rd fuse


where is the last fuse?

I know it's incomplete version but I like it! One question, are tokens on random places, as in the location changes? Asking, because when I played with Louise and went load game to test a few things and to get a different ending, the token where I picked it the first time I played wasn't there.


Yeah, two tokens are random. :)


Could I a discord link? Also I'm having no luck finding the last circuit. Any tips?
You can find tips on the discord. : )

how many tokens are found per character if I may ask?

Three in total.

thanks :D

also what do I do after putting all the fuses in? I get something needs to be turned on but it’s lost on me and it’s driving me nuts lol

You need to return to place where last note was.

one question what if there is a femaleso only one with dicks

I didn't quite understand the question. In my fantasy universe, there are females with and without dick.

(1 edit)

Sorry, what I meant to say is what if there is a game like your Test club game but with only regular females without dicks. as what happens if make another Test Club but with only regular female women without dicks.

I don't know if there are similar game with females. :)

Hello fbbsk i love your game so much i was waiting  for the update and i love all of it but i finish the 3 character but i dont discover the second ending for eath character

Thank you! Follow with notes path and you'll find it. :)

Which one can you give me one hint

All of them. Starting from room 107.

thanks i will try

Hello?Can someone help me? I can't speak English, so I don't watch the chat very much. What is the process after I go to the electrical room?

Go to the exit. :)

When will it be posted? The Friday is almost over.


Don't forget about time zones. :)

How much looonger it's been years now is there any news on the game progress are anything Everytime I see this game I keep thinking it's abandon than when I look it up it says ongoing I'm still confused if it's still on are not.

It's two days before update. :)

I'm doing it slow because of lack of free time and skill. And 99.99% time alone. So it was taken a while. I'm not abandoned it, for sure. All news and updates I've posted on my discord, because it's more convenient for me.

Nice good to know and I finally know why this is taking a while good luck man I can't wait to play this game.

(2 edits)

I thought I wouldn't put so much gore, like put it as if it were an x-ray of the futas' testicles, but if you want to put a little blood you can, and I thought like the traps are a total of 5 different

And when the life bar reached zero, a little animation would appear of them holding their testicles and that part where it shows the mysterious figure dragging them would be one of the parts of the animation 

And one of the traps I thought of was one that looks like two hammers that one hits from above and the other from below, crushing the testicles and the other trap made needles that three pierce each of the testicles.

And one of the new levels has more than 20 traps, I think it will be very difficult for you but it's something I'm thinking about, believe me, I can think about several things at the same time.

The first time I played this game it took me a total of 20 minutes to complete it and in that 20 minutes I already thought of 10 ideas for other traps

I hope I helped you with the creative part, I don't know how much you are on discord because when I access your discord link it says that the link has expired


Here you go, new link.  :)

Awesome ideas, you're doing great with that! Unfortunately, all ingame events were written before I even start to develop the game, and it won't be changed, because I don't wanna make one test game forever. I've already had scripts for five new games. :)

Thank you very much for the link, but if you have any opportunity to make another game you can use my idea

Foremost, I'll do my ideas, and then, probably, I may do that. :)

(1 edit)

My friend, just by playing your game I already thought of 10 different ideas now that I played it again and finished it once again, I already had 20 different ideas for new plots

Please don't take this review as an obligation to rush to release the game, will it take long to officially release the game? Remembering, don't take it as if it were a rush for you to launch


Can't say for sure, I'll try to fix code right now. When I finish, I'll do some test runs and release update. As for full game release, I believe the approximate date will be end of this year and start of the next one.

Thanks for the answer, look I know you don't do much programming, much less me, but I know you can do it (sorry for my strange English, it's because I'm Brazilian using a translator)


English isn't my main language too, so don't be sorry. :)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for understanding, by the way two days ago was my birthday but ok


Happy birthday! Be happy and wise. :)

Pleeeeeease Update


I can't share an unfinished game, sorry.


can we get an estimated time for the update?

I'm afraid to give some concrete. I'll try to do it as soon as possible.

Where is new update

During technical issues, the update will be delayed. :(


Oh okay:(

How long will it take?

IDK for now. I'm a terrible coder. :)

I believe in you, come on

Isn't it the April update game?

It seems so.

downloaded it paid for it and it won't run as a game

The game is for PC and android only, you either run it nor on pc or your android version might be too old. That is all I can help. :)

i downloaded it onto pc but i cant seem to get it to work it only seems to open a weblink

You did something wrong then on some point of downloading. Or, you don't have a winrar to unpack it.

Hello can i get a Discord link pls


Which day will be updated at the end of April?

How much has been added compared to the demo?

Don't know the exact day yet. When it'll be finished. :)
Almost all of the game, except three scenes, and gore.

(2 edits)

Say how's gore actually going to look since as far as I know your Pixiv nor the demo ever featured gore or blood (the one on the wall in the demo is canonically fake as pointed out by Louise... I think).

Btw the discord link from a week ago expired so where does one find an active one?

I don't know how to answer that. Blood will be like blood. The one on the wall is fake to make it more tense at the beginning. But aside from that, it'll be released later, when I add content on the red floor.  Personally, I don't like blood, but I understand that some people like it, so I'll do whatever I can. :)

So I'm guessing the blood shows up more through out the game but what I'm actually curious about is whether the characters will be  gored in a certain part of their being.


All three of them will be.

Very intriguing, welp can't wait for the full release then. I hope its a gradual thing and not just some sort of alternate ending but I won't bash you if that's the case.

1. Who is creator of game? is girl or boy?

2. Why ball busting?

3. How much traps in it? 

4. Where is ticket?

1-Me. I am a man.

2-It's futanari ballbusting specific, not the regular one. Because I like futa ballbusting. :)

3-About 10, if you count challenges and floor traps.

4-What ticket?

Thank you for reply:)

The next update on end april? Is my birthdays!

Hooray! :)

Will this game be in Chinese?

I have no plans to translate it to any languages. At least for now. :)

How long will we have to wait?

At least to the end of april.

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